View Video Clips of Daena in "What Can I Say?"

Improvisational Acting Classes and Individual Coaching
Get the tools you need for great presentations and performances!

If leaders understand and prepare for their inner critic, it can help them thrive in challenging situations and help others do the same.


Fixing a toxic work culture can be a difficult feat. In this article, Daena discusses the importance of creating an environment of active bystanders in order to reduce sexual harassment, implicit bias, and bullying.


Read About Daena's improvisation-based method in workshops at MIT and elsewhere to help people learn how to respond effectively when we witness or experience sexual harassment or implicit bias.


Read Daena's Newest Article: #MeToo means #YouToo:
Leaders must prepare for sexual harassment complaints.
What to do when an employee reports sexual harassment

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Want to know the way to repair a broken conversation?
Read Daena's article in Quartz Magazine.

Watch the a video of Daena talking about the art of
fixing a broken conversation.



The importance of Improvisational Leadership and Sensemaking in the current business climate

Read Article and Watch the Video


Check out the feature article on Daena's Acting Laboratory in Imagine Magazine - New England's resource for the business of film, television, and new media production.



Daena Teaches the Improvisational Side to the Art of the Deal at MIT
Read and listen to the story.


Daena's Articles on MIT Sloan Experts Blog

From Failure to Success: Using Improvisation to Develop Resilience and Leadership

Secrets of Celebrity Companies


Daena teaches Improvisational Leadership and Influence at MIT Sloan. Read how she helps students make the connection between leadership and creativity.


Daena's Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching Work with Organizations are featured in this article published in Portugal's Executive Digest (English translation).


Daena’s Improvisational Leadership Course Featured in
Financial Times


Daena Helps Future Business Leaders Cut Loose at MIT
Read the article from The Chronicle of Higher Education


Daena's Improvisational Acting Course at MIT was featured in Bloomberg's BusinessWeek

Daena helps business leaders and entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires develop their leadership skills with improvisational techniques. Read the article featured in Argentina's largest newspaper
(in English).



Daena provides business leaders and entrepreneurs in Santiago Chile the skills they need to successfully face uncertain times in business. Read the article about Daena's workshop in Chile's leading business newspaper (in English).


Daena's Book (co-authored with Wren Ross)
Changing Patterns:
Discovering the Fabric of Your Creativity

available now!
Get more info & listen to interviews!

Invite Daena as Your
Motivational Speaker or
Keynote Presenter

Make Your Event Unforgettable...
Daena Creates
Custom-Designed Performances

Need a Coach in Your Corner?
Leadership, Influence, Negotiation, & Improvisation
Improvisation & Leadership

"Making Your Best
Public Speaking Training

Team Building
Improvisation & Teamwork

"Making the Most
of a Media Moment"
Media Coaching

"The Art of Change"©
Thriving in Work/Live Transitions

Creativity Coaching
For Individuals & Groups

Read More!

Theatre Retreat Workshops

Daena Giardella has dazzled audiences and inspired workshop participants around the globe for over twenty years as one of the "modern trailblazers" of improvisational theatre performance and training. Her original one-woman theatre pieces have been performed to wide critical acclaim throughout the USA and internationally. She has also hosted her own talk/music radio shows, produced an oral history radio project and garnered numerous radio and television credits. She is also a creativity coach, motivational speaker and communications consultant.

"Impressive talent... A must see" -The Boston Globe
Read More Media Quotes...

"Daena's work is not only powerful, entertaining and provocative, it's filled with wisdom and insight. Through your laughter and tears, you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and the world we all share together. Give yourself the gift of Daena Giardella!"

-Cheryl Richardson, Author of "Take Time for Your Life", "Stand Up for Your Life", and "Life Makeovers" ~ Daena appeared on Oxygen TV's Life Makeover Project w/Cheryl Richardson

"Daena Giardella is brilliant. I found her work to be extremely resonant, relevant, moving and funny. She gets to the heart of what is important. I wholeheartedly recommend her performances and classes to everyone."

-Natalie Goldberg, Author of "Writing Down the Bones" and "Wild Mind"

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